
Your Virtual Front Door 

You’re out on vacation and it’s dinner time. You don’t want to go to a chain restaurant, but you also don’t know anyone to tell you where they’d recommend, so what do you do? Most likely, you’ll either ask a local or pull out your phone and do a search of restaurants near you –…
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Putting It To Use

At the RMD District Conference, April 25 – 28, in Nampa, ID, the RMD Ministry Grant was explained and disbursed.   This grant was approved by the Dexcom in March to come alongside our churches in the belief that inflation will affect our churches in the RMD in much more potentially devastating way than Covid has.…
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Elected Church Treasurer?  Don’t Panic

If you are a newly elected church treasurer or already performing the role for your church, I encourage you to check out the resources available for treasurers on the RMD website.  Access and log into the member’s page.  Scroll to the Administration section and note the column called treasurer’s resources.  Here you will find several very helpful sources of…
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Hidden Gems

The RMD team strives to provide effective communication to keep churches well informed of District and C&MA events, International Worker updates, and prayer needs. In addition, our newsletter and website provide helpful resources and information to aid you in your ministry. Our regular email communications include a monthly newsletter sent on the first Tuesday of…
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Missions Strategies: Part 2 ­­– Strategic Prayer

Missions Partnerships are one of the best vehicles a church can use to engage fully in missions. A healthy partnership will contain five elements, and the second element is Strategic Prayer. Any International Worker (IW) will tell you that prayer is their most coveted component of partnership. Sometimes on the church side of the partnership…
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Come Away

At the last service I shared the vision I believe the Lord has given me for the next few years of leadership in the role as District Superintendent.  We looked at the RMD continuing to grow forward being: Mission Focused (clear on the Gospel of Jesus, giving people opportunity to respond to Him and not…
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Is Your Church Cyber Secure?

Cybersecurity is the practice of protecting systems, networks, and programs from digital attacks.  These cyberattacks are normally aimed at accessing, changing, or destroying sensitive information; extorting money from users; or interrupting normal processes and procedures.   Churches may believe they are too small to be at risk of a cyberattack or that they don’t have data a…
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Correcting the Scope of Discipleship

Growing up, Saturday was Chore-day.  Dad would assemble us kids and then begin handing out chores: Chris, mow the lawn, Mike, wash the van, Jana… you get the picture.  I remember one time I was assigned to mow the lawn, but when I went to start the lawn mower it was out of gas.  When I went back…
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“See You In A Few Weeks!”

District Conference, in the Rocky Mountain District (RMD), is held every two years.  Due to Covid-19, the RMD family was unable to gather in person in 2020, rather, we had a 90 minute Zoom session.  Some might prefer that again this year — not because of the virus, but because of the time, effort and…
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Dear Friends, Greetings from my new workspace at the District office.  As you might have heard the office experienced a water leak last September which caused damage to the building.  Last week we moved all furnishings to storage so repairs could begin today.  I must tell you my new colleagues-Jonathan, Chris and Mary have not let…
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