Month: November 2020

Happy Thanksgiving

Recently I was re-reading Paul’s letter to the church at Philippi.  Since high school days I have always enjoyed this three page powerhouse of a letter.  The Spirit of God never fails to use some part of this letter to challenge, encourage, convict or motivate my soul when I read it.  God’s Word truly is…
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3 Great Resources… and one that is tailored just for the RMD!

Some of you may recall that about this time last year we sent a video out introducing you to the Alliance’s Strategic Giving Opportunities Guide. This collection of Alliance missions projects reads much like a World Vision charitable gift catalog and provides a great way for people to match their personal passions with concrete projects…
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Family Advent

I’ve been talking to many pastors and individual families recently who are dealing with quarantine and new shutdowns and restrictions. It seems especially hard as we look ahead to the Advent season. Perhaps, like me, you’re grieving the sense of normalcy that typically comes with the traditions of the Christmas season. It’s hard to imagine…
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