Month: October 2023

Church Budgeting

It’s that time of year again when churches typically prepare (and should) a budget for the next year.  Creating a budget for your church doesn’t have to be complicated.  Below are a few steps and questions to help you prepare your budget: Revisit your vision and plan for achieving your goals.  Estimate the costs associated with any new…
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Hard & Soft Goals in Discipleship

Are you familiar with the human resource concept of hard and soft skills? Hard skills are specific technical skills like the ability to code, weld, design an app, or operate a piece of equipment. They are tangible and generally easy to evaluate or measure. Soft skills, on the other hand, are more akin to character…
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Ha!  I know it is October, and yet I am writing a column entitled Thankfulness!  Shouldn’t that wait till November, when we actually celebrate Thanksgiving???  Well, actually, we can be thankful anytime, can’t we?  I have been reading through the Psalms lately and this past weekend the words of a Psalm I have read over many, many times,…
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