Author: Scott Thorson

Manage Your Risks

Risk management is a topic that should be addressed at a minimum annually by your church.  Risk is defined as an uncertain event that may have positive or negative consequences.  A risk management plan identifies risks and action steps for dealing with those risks.  There are basically four actions for handling risk: Avoid the risk completely. Transfer…
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Elected Church Treasurer?  Don’t Panic

If you are a newly elected church treasurer or already performing the role for your church, I encourage you to check out the resources available for treasurers on the RMD website.  Access and log into the member’s page.  Scroll to the Administration section and note the column called treasurer’s resources.  Here you will find several very helpful sources of…
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Hidden Gems

The RMD team strives to provide effective communication to keep churches well informed of District and C&MA events, International Worker updates, and prayer needs. In addition, our newsletter and website provide helpful resources and information to aid you in your ministry. Our regular email communications include a monthly newsletter sent on the first Tuesday of…
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Is Your Church Cyber Secure?

Cybersecurity is the practice of protecting systems, networks, and programs from digital attacks.  These cyberattacks are normally aimed at accessing, changing, or destroying sensitive information; extorting money from users; or interrupting normal processes and procedures.   Churches may believe they are too small to be at risk of a cyberattack or that they don’t have data a…
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Dear Friends, Greetings from my new workspace at the District office.  As you might have heard the office experienced a water leak last September which caused damage to the building.  Last week we moved all furnishings to storage so repairs could begin today.  I must tell you my new colleagues-Jonathan, Chris and Mary have not let…
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