Author: Chris Tweedy

Conviction, Strategy, and Reaching Our Judea and Samaria

Well, it’s now mid-February, which means that a large percentage of the new gym members who signed up January 1st have stopped going and are getting ready to cancel their memberships. While this is typically a bit of a joke among gym regulars, I find it a bit sad. Everyone one of those new members signed…
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7 Year-End Administrative Items You Can’t Forget

At the end of a calendar year it’s easy to forget important church administrative tasks because, well, they only happen once a year.  Here is a quick list of the most common items* that every church will need to ensure are handled as they move into 2021. W2s.  All church employees, including pastors, should receive a W2.  Because…
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Christian Theology and “Rise of the Guardians”

Several years ago DreamWorks released a movie titled Rise of the Guardians.  It’s a decent movie in which some traditional fictional characters – the guardians of children – battle against a sinister villain who eventually… well, I won’t spoil it.  But that is only the secondary plot.  The primary plot of the story is the acceptance of a new…
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3 Great Resources… and one that is tailored just for the RMD!

Some of you may recall that about this time last year we sent a video out introducing you to the Alliance’s Strategic Giving Opportunities Guide. This collection of Alliance missions projects reads much like a World Vision charitable gift catalog and provides a great way for people to match their personal passions with concrete projects…
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Begin at the End

Do you know someone who begins a book by reading the last chapter first?  For me, that ruins the excitement of the story as it’s meant to unfold. But for some things in life, it is better to begin at the end.  Example: Discipleship. Although we all want to make disciples, many times we don’t…
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Putting The Church Planting Psalm Into Action

I often think of Psalm 20 as the Church Planting Psalm. I think it’s such a great picture of what we would want a sending church to say to a plant team that’s stepping out in faith. Here are the first few verses: May the Lord answer you in the day of trouble!  May the…
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There Are Worse Things Than Dying

Some time ago on a mission trip to the Copper Canyon of north-central Mexico, I met an old man named Condalario. As a young man he had lost part of his arm in a mining accident. He got by doing odd jobs, lived in a cave, wore sandals made from old car tires, and nearly…
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