Category: Leadership

Make Me Know the Way I Should Go

I’m big on goals (more about that here) and I bet you are, too. After a year like we just had, one might be tempted to throw up hands and not bother to make goals 2021. Sure, 2020 was not what any of us predicted, but many people accomplished more than we expected to. And we…
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One of the critical areas of self-leadership is leading your own personal growth.  For some of us, the time between Christmas and New Year’s is a time of reflection as we prepare to start the new year.  In October, I challenged you to discern 2021 goals for your church, this month I’m asking you to focus…
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Happy Thanksgiving

Recently I was re-reading Paul’s letter to the church at Philippi.  Since high school days I have always enjoyed this three page powerhouse of a letter.  The Spirit of God never fails to use some part of this letter to challenge, encourage, convict or motivate my soul when I read it.  God’s Word truly is…
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Now that I have your attention, let me share with you that our recently completed 2020 Ignite Conference was awesome!  Thank you to Cody Missionary Alliance Church, Pastor Randy Shaw and Pastor Michael Lajko for hosting our gathering.  Thank you, Bill Levy, Jim Evans and John Reese for sharing from your hearts and experiences from over 40…
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Did you have personal goals for 2020?  Perhaps you planned to read certain books, complete certain training, read or memorize certain portion of the Bible.  Did you have ministry goals?  To create certain ministries, develop certain programs or train specific teams? BUT THEN 2020 BLEW UP! And yet, Jesus still showed up, changed lives and…
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CHANGE – The One Constant

I’m not sure who originally stated the words of the headline for this column, however, we all know that he/she was exceedingly accurate!  In our world today, change is coming so fast, on so many levels, in so many directions that, at times, it can be almost overwhelming.   More than once in each of…
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What Followers Need From Their Leaders (pt 4)

The people you lead need four things from you: The assurance that they can TRUST you, your COMPASSION, that you bring STABILITY in tumultuous circumstances, and the fourth–and last in this RMD Newsletter series–is HOPE. Hope is confidence in the future that God has planned. Followers who hope in God for the future are more…
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Fast Food Churchianity

So much has been said already about Covid-19. I still chuckle when I read news stories that call it “the novel Corona virus.” Not too much is novel about it now! With some loosening of restrictions having taken place, I’ve been able to get back out on the road and into our churches and meetings…
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What Followers Need From Their Leaders (pt. 3)

Reliable and copious research shows that followers need four things from their leaders: Trust, Compassion, Stability and Hope. In this tumultuous season when we might be tempted to hibernate (or if we’re like Jonah, board a ship headed in the opposite direction,) our churches instead need our Stability. Your stability–your strength to stand firm–is vital…
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What Followers Need From Their Leaders (pt. 2)

The first one is Trust, with its counterpart, Suspicion. (Read more about that in last month’s newsletter.) According to Gallup, the second element followers need from their leader is Compassion. This research applies to all organizations–including both ministry and business–and reveals compassion as key to employee engagement, and ultimately a fat bottom line. We Jesus-followers have a different…
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