Category: Leadership

Goals and Culture

A couple of months back I read a fascinating (and sad) article about a Navy sailor who died during BUD/S (Navy SEAL training). There is a lot that can be gleaned and discussed from this story, but one thing in particular caught my attention.  Over the years, the BUD/S program has become increasingly difficult, and the graduation…
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Happy Thanksgiving!

Throughout this year, for a variety of reasons, I have been “going down memory lane.”  I am thankful that in a rapidly changing world and culture that the memories in my head cannot be changed, re-imagined or deleted.  When it comes to November, I go down “memory lane” to various family gatherings through the years, to amazing ministry events in this…
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It’s Budget Season

For churches with fiscal year January-December, October is the time to put together your budget for the following year. Budgeting is important as it defines how much money is available to support planned ministries.  Budgets act like a map for church leaders and set expectations for spending.  A worship leader or head of Sunday school should know…
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Pastor Appreciation Month

October is Pastor Appreciation Month!  This special recognition was started by Focus on the Family in 1994 in the throes of the Promise Keepers Ministry in the mid-1990’s.  Some churches in the RMD have embraced this special time of recognizing their pastor or pastoral staff while others have not regularly done so.  In either case,…
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Think back to the first time in ministry you were invited to do something that was a little bit out of your reach. The first time you were asked to preach; or lead a ministry team; or go on a missions trip. If we take just five minutes, most of us would have at least…
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Prevailing Prayer

Last September we had a “water event” at the District Office that basically necessitated remodeling 85% of the inside of the building.  Beautiful wood floors were ruined, carpet was destroyed and all kinds of disruption took place in the office.  Decisions were made regarding re-modeling, upgrading and re-fitting the office in terms of carpets, cabinets…
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Small Steps Become Big Steps

Last month, I wrote about how easy it is to be more dependent on ourselves than on the Lord.  We can get so proficient at “ministry” that we can, over time, find ourselves estranged from the One we serve.  This usually happens through any number of small steps that move us away from God rather…
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In Dependence

This week the 4th of July was celebrated — a day to remember the founding of the United States of America.  Many have been saying that we, as a nation, are less than united, in these days.  Shootings — like the one in the Chicago area on the 4th, and many others large and small…
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Putting It To Use

At the RMD District Conference, April 25 – 28, in Nampa, ID, the RMD Ministry Grant was explained and disbursed.   This grant was approved by the Dexcom in March to come alongside our churches in the belief that inflation will affect our churches in the RMD in much more potentially devastating way than Covid has.…
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Another Way to Multiply

Perhaps, like me, many of you were taught early in ministry that the way to multiply something is to divide it in half. If you want to multiply a small group, develop another leader and divide the group into two groups. If you want to multiply your youth group, find another leader and divide the…
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