Category: Leadership

2 (Uncomfortable) Ideas

As I wrap up the busy spring ministry schedule and head into a change of pace for summer, I’m looking forward to processing some of the events, reading, and discussions that I’ve experienced over the last few months. High atop the list of things that are on my mind are the following two ideas.  #1…
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Three Stewardship Topics for Church Leaders

I recently came across a blog posted by Ken Baldes, Vice President /Operations Treasurer and COO for the C&MA. Some of you may have seen this post in Ken’s monthly Alliance Treasure’s update, but I thought it was worth sharing here in case you missed it or do not have access to Ken’s update.  The…
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The Richness of God’s Word

Recently a friend and I were talking about things that mean a lot to us, and why. We were not talking about human beings or the Trinity or anything of that nature, rather we were talking about things that had great meaning to us and the reasons for that. I shared that one of the most meaningful…
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Six Months From Now

By the time you read this, if Jesus hasn’t returned, we will be less than six months out from the 2024 U.S. Presidential election. I can almost hear the collective groan and dismay at the thought of six months more of political advertising, conversations, and arguments. However, this is a very critical time in the life of our nation…
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Most of us desire excellence and would love to be excellent at what we do. Overall, I think this is a good thing and something that God would praise and encourage us toward. However, like almost everything, there is a dark side to excellence, especially when it comes to church. In short, I believe the…
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The God Of All Comfort

This past Friday, Good Friday as it is called, a very important person in my life went to be with the Lord. Ray was in his late 40s (maybe early 50s) when Lori and I started in full-time ministry in 1984. He and his wife, Helen, were extremely gracious, kind, and generous to us as we…
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Church Safety Tips

I recently came across the following safety tips I thought would be helpful for RMD churches. I realize there may be a few more weeks (or maybe months 😊) of Rocky Mountain winter, but you never know when wildfires, lighting, or a water emergency might strike. These tips are provided by our insurance company, Brotherhood Mutual. Click on each…
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The Eyes of the Lord

“For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to shew himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him. Herein thou hast done foolishly: therefore from henceforth thou shalt have wars.” (2 Chronicles 16:9) Since God in His essence is Spirit (note John 4:24) and is…
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Recapturing the Heart of Jesus

Recapturing the Heart of Jesus is the theme of our 2024 District Conference, to be held at First Alliance Church in Billings, MT, April 8-10. The RMD family will gather for prayer, ministry from the Word, and the biennial business matters of the district. While the meetings are required for all official workers, I believe you will…
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Where Have All The _______ Gone?

If you’re over the age of 40, perhaps the first thing that pops into your head when you see this is “Cowboys”. Where have all the cowboys gone? You wouldn’t be alone. The song by the same name was released in 1997 by Paula Cole and went to number eight on the Billboard Hot 100…
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