Wet Cement

Wet Cement

I take a lot of walks around our town. In 2020, due to being at home more, my walks often take me to the same areas. I’m always intrigued by the driveways and sidewalks. The cement where families often have their kid’s handprints, or their dog’s pawprints in the corner with the date written sunk into the cement always catch my attention. What makes me laugh is when I see a leaf print or a shoe print in the cement and it’s clear it was not done intentionally. Wind blows and things happen, and imprints are left in drying cement that is noticeable for years. 

Children are like wet cement. It is impossible for you to cross paths with a child and not leave an imprint. Before the age of 12 children are doing immense amounts of growing both physically and mentally; but also, spiritually. They are wet cement. They’re taking in information and experiences and impressions are being left by those things. As you encounter children, I want to encourage you to remember you’re leaving an impression. Your words matter, your facial expressions matter. You, yes you, matter. May I encourage you to leave intentional impressions on the wet cement of kids? Smile at them, speak an encouraging word, notice them. For years to come may your imprint, your impression, be a beautiful mark on their lives. 

~ Melissa MacDonald