Planned Giving

Now more than ever churches should consider investing in planned giving. Over the next 25 years an estimated $68 trillion will be passed on as the Baby Boomer generation ages. This will be the largest wealth transfer in human history and an unprecedented opportunity for generous giving. Another interesting fact is this is that people have been more inclined to create wills in the face of the Coronavirus pandemic. Bequest giving is on the rise.
But many people have not heard about planned giving, so they have not considered opportunities that may exist. Communication is key and informing your congregation about planned giving can be beneficial to the church’s balance sheet and the givers as well.
What is Planned Giving?
Planned giving is the term used to refer to the process of donors committing to a planned gift. A planned gift is usually other than cash and requires additional process steps to make the donation. Planned gifts are a bit more complex than writing a check for the offering plate (or establishing autopay with Tithely), but they can be extremely rewarding for the church and the giver. The obvious reward for the church is an increase in giving which can be used to advance the Kingdom. Rewards for the donor include: opportunity to leave a lasting impact, ability to specify how their contribution is used, and depending on the type of planned gift the donor makes, there can be tax benefits.
Common Types of Planned Gifts
- Bequests– charitable contributions left as a bequest in a legal will.
- Charitable gift annuities– donor gives a large amount of cash in exchange for a fixed income payment for life.
- Charitable lead trusts– the trust pays an income to the church for a specified number of years.
- Non-Cash Assets– stock, real estate, giving from IRAs
How to Get Started with Planned Giving
Orchard Alliance is the place to start if your church is interested in kicking off a planning giving program. C&MA churches are very fortunate to have Orchard as a partner, especially when it comes to planned giving.
Orchard has developed a free Planned Giving Module (PGM) that can be added to your church website. The tool informs your congregation about planned giving opportunities and gives them helpful resources. The module can be customized to match your church’s branding. To have a Planned Giving Module created for your website click here: You can also view a fully functioning PGM.
To speak to a professional at Orchard Alliance regarding planned giving, call 844.613.2295 or email
Scott Thorson