
There Are Worse Things Than Dying

Some time ago on a mission trip to the Copper Canyon of north-central Mexico, I met an old man named Condalario. As a young man he had lost part of his arm in a mining accident. He got by doing odd jobs, lived in a cave, wore sandals made from old car tires, and nearly…
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What Followers Need From Their Leaders (pt. 3)

Reliable and copious research shows that followers need four things from their leaders: Trust, Compassion, Stability and Hope. In this tumultuous season when we might be tempted to hibernate (or if we’re like Jonah, board a ship headed in the opposite direction,) our churches instead need our Stability. Your stability–your strength to stand firm–is vital…
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What Followers Need From Their Leaders (pt. 2)

The first one is Trust, with its counterpart, Suspicion. (Read more about that in last month’s newsletter.) According to Gallup, the second element followers need from their leader is Compassion. This research applies to all organizations–including both ministry and business–and reveals compassion as key to employee engagement, and ultimately a fat bottom line. We Jesus-followers have a different…
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What Followers Need From Their Leaders (pt. 1)

Most leaders think that if their vision is clear, their people will follow. But that’s just not true, and the stats prove it. Research juggernaut Gallup finds that in order to consistently respond to a leader, a follower needs four things from that leader. We will explore each of the four components in the next…
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