Hardworking Farmers: An Invitation to Greenhouse

Hardworking Farmers: An Invitation to Greenhouse

I spent most of my school-age years living in a small dryland farming community. Consequently, I worked for a farmer who was part of our church. He was a good farmer and a great man who worked hard and smart to steward his farm well. He put in long hours to prepare the soil, cared for his fields diligently, and used the winter downtime to get all of his equipment ready for the spring and summer work. But if you know anything about dryland farming, you know that all this planning and hard work doesn’t necessarily produce a good crop. The rains need to come at the right time and in the right amount. And so, while he worked and planned, he prayed. 

The picture of the hard working farmer is helpful to us as we think about our work in God’s Kingdom. Fruitfulness in the Kingdom is a combination of our work and God’s work. As God’s servants we plan and work and God’s Spirit brings the fruit (1Co 3:6). 

This fall we have a chance to engage in some of this work as it relates to church planting. Sometimes when we think of church planting it can seem overwhelming. It requires the right people, the right place, and the right plan, and each one of these aspects contains a myriad of considerations. And while we fully acknowledge that the Lord must bring all of this together and empower it all with His Spirit, we are called to make plans and work hard to this end. Our time together October 18-20th will be an effort to walk the path of the prayerful, hardworking farmer. 

Please visit the event webpage for more information and registration, and if you have further questions feel free to reach out to me anytime. May we be workers who plan and work and pray for God to gather His harvest on the earth.

Together with you,

ctweedy@rmdcma.com or (406) 647-2764