Faith and Finance – Part One

Faith and Finance – Part One

We are called by the Bible to be generous stewards of everything entrusted to us by God.  Understanding biblical principles of stewardship and generosity is crucial to our ability to answer that call well.  Managing our own money with a personal financial plan is a tool that can help us be good stewards, but it must be done keeping biblical principles in mind.  We need to make sure we don’t buy into our culture’s view of money:

Culture says- Money buys freedom.

Bible says- The pursuit of money can be endless, enslaving, and destructive.  Only Christ brings real freedom (1 Timothy 6:7-10).  

Culture says- Money buys security.

Bible says- Material wealth and money are very fleeting and insecure.  They are highly anxiety-producing (James 1:10).

Culture says- Money is power.

Bible says- The power money produces often brings abuse and oppression. (James 5:1-6).

Culture says- Money buys happiness.

Bible says- Money can buy plenty of fun and luxurious things, but ultimately happiness is an internal state; that which money can buy is primarily external and temporary.  Money can also buy “many sorrows” (1 Timothy 6:10).

If you do not yet have a personal financial plan, I strongly recommend taking time to put one in place.  Orchard Alliance can help you with the process and their approach will be biblically based.  Start by consulting this website: Faith and Finance. You will find great information about biblical financial planning and guidance to address issues aligned with different stages of life.  It is never too late to start planning.   

As always, please reach out to me with questions or help getting started.  

Scott Thorson