Category: Missions

Missions Strategies: Part 3 ­­– Doing Our Share

Missions Partnerships are one of the best vehicles a church can use to engage fully in missions. A healthy partnership will contain five elements, and the third element is Doing Our Share. Even though financial support is the first thing many people’s mind jumps to when they consider missions partnership, we’ve intentionally placed it third…
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Missions Strategies: Part 2 ­­– Strategic Prayer

Missions Partnerships are one of the best vehicles a church can use to engage fully in missions. A healthy partnership will contain five elements, and the second element is Strategic Prayer. Any International Worker (IW) will tell you that prayer is their most coveted component of partnership. Sometimes on the church side of the partnership…
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Missions Strategies: Part 1 ­­– Staying Aware

Missions Partnerships are one of the best vehicles a church can use to engage fully in missions. A healthy partnership will contain five elements, and the first element is Staying Aware. If we are to be good partners, we must be intentional about staying connected and maintaining a good relationship with our IW counterparts. Staying…
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Building A Missions Team

One of the common questions that comes up in conversations with church leaders is, “How do we start a missions team?” These are good churches who want to be on mission, but for whatever reason – poor experiences in the past, people who have moved away, etc. – find themselves needing to build a missions…
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Creating a Sending Culture

We all know that we are called to be a “going” people.  The church is to “go” and make disciples who in turn “go” and make disciples. The question for us, then, is how do we create this culture in our local church? Below are some ideas to consider along these lines. Start with you. God…
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Pro Tips for Hosting IWs

At least once a year your church will find itself hosting one or more International Workers (IWs) for anywhere from three days to a week. What’s the best way to steward these times? That answer will vary from church to church, but below are a handful of thoughts and ideas that have been gathered over…
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What’s with the Missions Funding Changes?

By now, most of you have heard that some changes are coming to the way in which we (The Alliance) will be funding missions. Below are answers to some of the most frequently asked questions. For a more comprehensive treatment of the issue, see the Alliance GCF webpage. What is changing about the way in…
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Five Aspects of Local Church Missions

Jesus gave us the commandment to make disciples of all peoples and consequently the Church (including your church) has been pursuing that goal ever since. Therefore, it’s helpful for us to be able to step back and ask the question, “How are we doing?” While there are a number of different lenses through which we…
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3 Great Resources… and one that is tailored just for the RMD!

Some of you may recall that about this time last year we sent a video out introducing you to the Alliance’s Strategic Giving Opportunities Guide. This collection of Alliance missions projects reads much like a World Vision charitable gift catalog and provides a great way for people to match their personal passions with concrete projects…
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There Are Worse Things Than Dying

Some time ago on a mission trip to the Copper Canyon of north-central Mexico, I met an old man named Condalario. As a young man he had lost part of his arm in a mining accident. He got by doing odd jobs, lived in a cave, wore sandals made from old car tires, and nearly…
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