The Year of Spin

2024. Doesn’t saying that just sound unusual? For some, there may be dread associated with this coming year — you guessed it — another political season! The U.S. Presidential election will be Tuesday, November 5th — and the two weeks following as one friend of mine said recently! My guess is we’re going to experience a lot of spin! Things will be told to us that are not as we would perceive them. Other things we perceive will not be so to those in whatever political party we are not. We will see spin, you can bank on that.
Is it possible, however, that there can be another kind of spin? A good kind of spin? A type of spin that blows us away — in a good way? This past year, 2023, Lori and I saw this type of spin in at least three distinct ways. I’m not going to get into any of them, however, I would tell you that each left us jaws agape, minds scrolling fast and utterly amazed. Each of them was far beyond our control and to this day still hard to comprehend fully!
I’ve rarely pushed “a verse of the year” or sought the Lord for a passage of Scripture for a given year. I’m not against it, I just haven’t been nudged by the Holy Spirit to do so very often. This year, however, seems different. I wish I could fully explain it to you, however, it is just a sense — I believe from the Lord — to meditate, concentrate, and watch Him illustrate the words found in Paul’s letter to the Ephesians, chapter 3, verses 20-21 which say,
Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us, to Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever! Amen.
Talk about spin! Perhaps if you reflect on this past year you, too, can see where God has spun something amazing in your life — something you could never have seen coming! Oh, how eager I am to see Christ continue to do this in my life and in our lives together! What are the things you need the God who can do immeasurably more, to do? Where do you need the power of God to be manifest in your life in 2024? From your vantage point, church leader, what would bring God great glory in your church ministry through the power of the resurrected Lord Jesus Christ? How can every generation presently attending your church be engaged in ministry in 2024?
To bring this truth closer to home, where do you need the Lord to do immeasurably more in your life?
Where do you need the Lord to do immeasurably more in your family?
Where do you need the Lord to do immeasurably more in your church?
Where do you need the Lord to do immeasurably more in your relationships?
Where do you need the Lord to do immeasurably more in your preaching/teaching?
Where do you need the Lord to do immeasurably more in your leadership?
Where do you need the Lord to do immeasurably more in your pastoring?
Where do you need the Lord to do immeasurably more in your family?
Where do you need the Lord to do immeasurably more in your community?
Where do you need the Lord to do immeasurably more in your love for Him?
Where do you need the Lord to do immeasurably more in the circumstances of your life at present?
Some of these questions we can answer quite quickly and directly. Other questions might not be just so! And, not one reading this column, knows everything that is going to happen in 2024. Will the Lord return? Will He allow us to live throughout this coming year? Will we remain faithful to His call to us to serve Him as He sees fit?
Are we willing to trust Him to do immeasurably more when situations, circumstances, and relationships do not lend themselves to such things happening? Oh, my friend, if 2023 taught me anything, it is that for the Christ-follower we have a God who is indeed able to do immeasurably more than all I can ask or even imagine! Together, let us remember that the true God “is not like gold or silver or stone —an image made by man’s design and skill (Acts 17:29b) rather His ways are not our ways and His ways are higher than our ways! He is able to invade, intercede, and do immeasurably more than I can even fathom!
Does this reality cause your mind to spin? It has caused mine to at times this past year and I eagerly desire the Lord to do immeasurably more, in 2024, than I can ask or imagine! May He do this in your life and ministry in 2024 as well!
Serving Christ Together With You,