The Wonder of Kids

The Wonder of Kids

“Oh my word, it’s just so beautiful!” were the words that came out of my foster son’s mouth the morning after I had put up our Christmas tree. He woke up to a sparkling tree in our living room and it took his breath away. I found my 8-year-old standing in front of it just staring. He could not get enough of it. “Oh Mel, we have to have a star! There is always a star.”

“Auntie Mo, Bogey just kissed me on the lips and now we’re married!” was the declaration my 4-year-old niece made after our puppy expressed his deep love for her. 

“I made this for you, Miss Mel, because you’re so beautiful. It’s a picture of you!” is what accompanied perhaps one of the rougher sketches of myself a child has ever drawn. From my frizzy hair down to my tiny feet, the picture certainly was a showstopper. 

One of the things I love most about kids is their wonder. Everything and anything can be magical and amazing. The most mundane can turn into spectacular. It’s not that they purposely try to find wonder, it’s that they can’t help but be in awe of things. From Christmas trees to puppies to their favorite people, they are in awe. 

Having an 8-year-old living with us has reminded me yet again that the wonder that kids have is so special. Last night, I got a standing ovation for my homemade rolls and a pat on my back for my macaroni and cheese. The small and simple rarely stays small and simple with children. Perhaps that’s one of the beauties of Jesus coming as a baby. He was small and simple, and yet, he was none of these. He was vulnerable and needy, and yet, we needed him. He was the perfect gift wrapped in a manger. 

Our foster son is learning the story of Christmas and he’s mesmerized. He’s rearranged our nativity several times already and currently there is a nerf dart leaning on baby Jesus. Somehow, I think that makes Jesus smile. As I’m introducing our little one to the story of Jesus, I’m reminding myself of the wonder. The wonder of a story so well-known and yet so incredibly earth shattering. I’m prodding myself to not let it become mundane but to allow it to make my eyes open wide, my mouth gasp in shock, and my heart leap at what it all means. I’m allowing myself to live in wonder. Join me. 

~ Melissa MacDonald