District Communication – Feedback Wanted

District Communication – Feedback Wanted

Dear Friends,

Your District Team in Billings strives to produce communications that are informative and helpful to Official Workers. Our main channels of communication include the monthly newsletter, weekly International Worker update email, our website rmdcma.com, and periodic emails with important and timely announcements.  

We want to be thoughtful about what, when, and how we send you information as we work to accomplish the following objectives:

  • Provide resources and content to help lead your church and advance the Kingdom. 
  • Keep you informed of important dates on the District calendar and the National Office. 
  • Promote missions engagement.
  • Facilitate connections across the District.
  • Provide an easy-to-use platform for event registration. 

We are reviewing our approach to communication and considering whether we need to refresh or update certain areas. I would appreciate hearing from you with any feedback or ideas you might have related to RMD communications. No survey is attached, so I ask that you email your comments to me by clicking on the link below.

I am interested to know if you find our communications to be informative and whether or not you take the time to read the newsletter and updates. If you are not reading our communications, is it because they are not helpful, you don’t have time, or you receive too many emails to get through? I would like to know how often you turn to the website for answers to questions or to find forms and materials. Are you aware of all the information available on our website?

I want to make sure the investment we make in communications is providing value. Please take a few minutes to share your feedback, ideas, and suggestions by responding to me via email.

Thank you for taking the time to respond. I appreciate your input!

Scott Thorson
