Category: Discipleship

Student and Kid Min Help Is On The Way!

Over the last couple of months the District staff team and leaders within the District have been working to develop strategies for coming alongside the student and children’s ministry leaders in the RMD. While these strategies will continue to be refined, we wanted to bring a couple of items to your attention that we trust…
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Christian Theology and “Rise of the Guardians”

Several years ago DreamWorks released a movie titled Rise of the Guardians.  It’s a decent movie in which some traditional fictional characters – the guardians of children – battle against a sinister villain who eventually… well, I won’t spoil it.  But that is only the secondary plot.  The primary plot of the story is the acceptance of a new…
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Family Advent

I’ve been talking to many pastors and individual families recently who are dealing with quarantine and new shutdowns and restrictions. It seems especially hard as we look ahead to the Advent season. Perhaps, like me, you’re grieving the sense of normalcy that typically comes with the traditions of the Christmas season. It’s hard to imagine…
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Begin at the End

Do you know someone who begins a book by reading the last chapter first?  For me, that ruins the excitement of the story as it’s meant to unfold. But for some things in life, it is better to begin at the end.  Example: Discipleship. Although we all want to make disciples, many times we don’t…
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Wet Cement

I take a lot of walks around our town. In 2020, due to being at home more, my walks often take me to the same areas. I’m always intrigued by the driveways and sidewalks. The cement where families often have their kid’s handprints, or their dog’s pawprints in the corner with the date written sunk…
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