Category: Church Planting

The “E” Word

If you have raised kids you remember the questions they had about the “__” word. You know, the “d” word, the “h” word, the “s” word, and on and on they go. In the church world we have one of those seemingly taboo words too, the “e” word… Evangelism. I think there are three things…
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Creating a Sending Culture

We all know that we are called to be a “going” people.  The church is to “go” and make disciples who in turn “go” and make disciples. The question for us, then, is how do we create this culture in our local church? Below are some ideas to consider along these lines. Start with you. God…
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Hardworking Farmers: An Invitation to Greenhouse

I spent most of my school-age years living in a small dryland farming community. Consequently, I worked for a farmer who was part of our church. He was a good farmer and a great man who worked hard and smart to steward his farm well. He put in long hours to prepare the soil, cared…
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Conviction, Strategy, and Reaching Our Judea and Samaria

Well, it’s now mid-February, which means that a large percentage of the new gym members who signed up January 1st have stopped going and are getting ready to cancel their memberships. While this is typically a bit of a joke among gym regulars, I find it a bit sad. Everyone one of those new members signed…
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Putting The Church Planting Psalm Into Action

I often think of Psalm 20 as the Church Planting Psalm. I think it’s such a great picture of what we would want a sending church to say to a plant team that’s stepping out in faith. Here are the first few verses: May the Lord answer you in the day of trouble!  May the…
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