Month: September 2024

Planting the Gospel

What comes to mind when you think of church planting? Maybe it’s locating and outfitting a building; maybe it’s thinking throughout outreach strategy; or maybe it’s forming a team or gathering the broken and lost together. Maybe your mind pictures a charismatic leader or dollar signs. While all of these things can certainly part of…
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District Advance Fund Processing

Thank you for your faithful giving (10% of General Fund receipts) to the District Advance Fund (DAF). Your contributions assist in the development and support of the 57 churches in our District, as well as supporting missions engagement, church planting, and many other ministry endeavors.  This month I would like to share a few comments…
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1, 2, 3, 6!

I love football!  I don’t get to watch much anymore as I am on the road most weekends. With satellite technology, however, I do get to listen to a few games as I travel around our District on Sundays, Mondays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. When I was a kid, college football was played only on Saturday and the NFL was…
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LIFE Conference 2025 Grant

In April 2024 the RMD Dexcom approved a grant from the District Advance Fund to assist students and volunteers in participating in the 2025 LIFE Conference in Indianapolis, IN. The grant is for $250 per person subject to the following details. Details One grant for each student who attends. One grant for a male sponsor…
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