LIFE Conference 2025 Grant

LIFE Conference 2025 Grant

In April 2024 the RMD Dexcom approved a grant from the District Advance Fund to assist students and volunteers in participating in the 2025 LIFE Conference in Indianapolis, IN. The grant is for $250 per person subject to the following details.


  • One grant for each student who attends.
  • One grant for a male sponsor and one grant for a female sponsor. A sponsor is a non-student who is chaperoning a particular youth group.
  • Additional sponsor grants may be awarded for every seven students of the same gender. For example:
    • 2 female students + 1 male student = 2 sponsor grants (1 female, 1 male)
    • 8 female students + 1 male student = 3 sponsor grants (2 female, 1 male)
    • 8 female students + 21 male students = 5 sponsor grants (2 female, 3 male)
  • One grant for each volunteer who attends up to two per church. A volunteer is someone who is helping with the event as a whole, and not connected to a particular youth group to help chaperone.


To apply for the LIFE Conference grant, simply email a copy of your LIFE Conference registration showing the names and type of each attendee to Chris Tweedy.


If attendees are added, removed, or changed such that the number of available grants is affected, please email Chris Tweedy to arrange an additional disbursement or a return of funds.


If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Chris Tweedy ( // 406-646-2764) anytime.