Month: July 2023

Intercession, Instruction, Implementation

When it comes to ministry, there are many things that the Lord has left for us to navigate using wisdom principles and the Holy Spirit. For example, should you live stream or podcast your services? Or both? Or neither? How much of discipleship should be multi-generational, and how much should be age- and stage-specific? These…
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Settle down folks, this is not a politically based column!  Actually, this is a column reminding you about our pastor and wife retreat called IGNITE which is held each fall.  (Yes, we even met in 2020 in Cody, WY!). Ignite provides a more relaxed atmosphere in which to learn from some great preachers, teachers, and skilled professionals.  Last year we had Ken…
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Faith and Finance — Part Two

Last month my article included some thoughts about stewardship and personal financial management.  I believe it is important to understand biblical principles regarding money management and for everyone to have a financial plan, but can one go overboard with money management and become obsessed with planning?   I recently came across an article that suggests “excellence” is…
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