The Column I Never Thought I Would Write

The Column I Never Thought I Would Write


What an interesting word.  Looking this word up in various dictionaries, you’ll find definitions like:

not ever, at no time

not in any degree, not under any condition

certainly not; by no means; in no case

An interesting phrase that sometimes gets bandied about is “Never say never.”  Usually when that phrase is used, it comes after someone else has said something else will never happen.  When Lori and I were college freshmen at then St. Paul Bible College (now Crown College), we dated for a short while and then broke up.  Lori said to her roommates, “I will never date Jonathan Wiggins ever again.”  I hadn’t done anything wrong, I was just really immature, and Lori wasn’t.  Well, a year later, I had grown up, and miraculously we went out on a date, and that “never say never” phrase came into play!  A year and a half later we were married!  

I’ve heard other people say “never say never” to someone and something happens that no one could foresee.  Such is the case with having the privilege of serving in this role as District Superintendent of The Rocky Mountain District.  A year ago, I never thought I would be writing a column for the August 2024 RMD News.  Our “final” term was to conclude July 31, 2024.  Due to decisions never made before by various entities of the RMD and The Christian and Missionary Alliance, we were allowed to stand for re-election to a fourth term last April.  I do not take this lightly and am very thankful to continue serving with strength from the Lord until He comes or July 31, 2028.  

As I ponder all these things, I want to take this opportunity to remind you of some things I shared at the District Conference – seventeen weeks ago.  Items are probably long forgotten so that is why I want to share them again!  At that time, I shared what I believe the Lord has given me as the over-arching vision of the RMD as we head into this next season of ministry together.  This is not a program I am laying down on you — that you must be about — rather this is the vision I believe God has for all of us, going forward.  How it gets implemented will vary widely from place to place in the RMD.  

I believe God, first of all, desires us to be Mission Driven.  He desires us to be about His mission!  In Luke 19:10 Jesus said that He had come to seek and to save what was lost.  That was Jesus’s primary mission.  Let us not get sidetracked by other fine, perhaps good, even important things to the detriment of missing out on the primary mission of Christ!   Peter wrote, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, in 2 Peter 3:9 that God is not wanting that any should perish but that all should come to repentance!  Who might be in that “all” for you?  Perhaps your neighbors, friends, family, co-workers?  Let’s be mission driven — in every place an Alliance Church is found in the RMD!

Secondly, at District Conference, I said I believe the Lord wants us to be Discipleship Based.  I mentioned in my message to Conference that I’m of the opinion that discipleship can happen before conversion.  Evangelism and discipleship are like the heads and tails of a coin.  Each has a distinct purpose and the working out of it in our churches and ministries.  I am so thankful to have Chris Tweedy staying on the District Office Team as this is one of his primary roles — to assist our churches in this imperative area of ministry!  Think about it with me — if we see someone come to faith in Christ and do nothing with them after they receive Christ — that is really spiritual malpractice to put it in doctor’s terms.  That is not just an omission — that is a gross error!  One our Heavenly Father, His Son, and the Holy Spirit would not be thrilled with!!

Thirdly, I deeply desire for our district to be Connected Churches!  This again, is a big thing to me and how God has created me.  I am thankful for our district camps that quietly serve and see people come to faith in Christ by the dozens each year!  I am thankful for the Pastoral Growth Groups that meet regularly all throughout the RMD.  I am thankful for IGNITE each fall and District Conference every other year.  I am thankful for the women’s retreats and the men’s retreats and other special events like our Preaching For Today seminar series coming up later in October in Missoula, Mt; Billings, MT and Casper, WY.  Here we will have the opportunity to hone our skills in preaching and teaching the Word of God!  Alongside of all of this, our district office team seeks to model what we desire in our pastors and leaders of our churches — availability, visibility, and accessibility. Pastoral ministry, district ministry, lay ministry is a contact sport type of thing — not a sit back and wait in the office for something to happen scenario.  

Lori and I are deeply grateful to serve the Lord, and you, here in the RMD.  I trust that as the Lord gives us opportunities going forward, together, we will see the Lord accomplish things we could never have dreamed of!  All for His praise and His glory!

Serving Christ Together With You,
