Connecting With Important Questions

Connecting With Important Questions

Years ago I read a brief article that resurfaces in my mind occasionally. Recently, I was mulling over some things and I looked for this particular article and amazingly I found it in my files. It is entitled, Ten Questions To Ask To Make Sure You’re Still Growing. Every time I read it and think about it my heart is pricked and I find myself challenged and encouraged by the Holy Spirit. The questions include:

1. Are you more thirsty for God than ever before?

2.  Are you more and more loving?

3.  Are you more sensitive to and aware of God than ever before?

4.  Are you governed more and more by God’s Word?

5.  Are you concerned more and more with the physical and spiritual needs of others?

6.  Are you more and more concerned with the Church and the Kingdom of God?

7.  Are the disciplines of the Christian life more and more important to you?

8.  Are you more and more aware of your sin?

9.  Are you more and more willing to forgive others?

10.  Are you thinking more and more of heaven and being with the Lord Jesus?

Each of these questions could have voluminous amounts of words written about them. I simply offer them as questions I’ve been seeking to ask myself and the Lord for His continued leading in my life. You can find more about these questions here.

If you want to dialogue with a fellow traveler about these questions, feel free to contact me at your convenience.

~ Jonathan