Church Planting Sunday

I love living in a part of the world that has four true seasons. When I have visited other places that don’t, I always find it a bit disorienting, and it makes me even more appreciative of the change in weather and scenery. I wonder if part of the reason for this is due to the fact that rhythms are good for us as people. Rhythms encourage stability and security, but they can also help us remember what is important and give us something to look forward to.
One rhythm that the C&MA has been working to establish over the last number of years is Church Planting Sunday. This Sunday, observed in September on a Sunday of your choice, is a time in which we pause to remember the importance of launching new churches. Can I urge you to take some time this week to plan on making Church Planting Sunday a part of your September rhythm? Here are a few things to celebrate and remember, as well as a few ideas for engaging in this as a church.
Reasons to Celebrate Church Planting
- Salvations. Church plants typically experience higher-than-average numbers of people coming to know Christ for the first time.
- Leaders. Church plants provide opportunities for people to grow into greater areas of leadership – either from the sending church as leaders are sent or in the church plant as people step into serving roles.
- Worship. As the church extends, the worship of Jesus increases.
- Faith. Sending churches and church plant teams engage are positioned to grow in faith as they step into the unknown and see Jesus come through and build His church.
- Prayer. Church plants should be bathed in prayer, and this creates opportunities for people to grow in their communion with the Lord – either from the sending church or on the plant team.
- Creativity. If we are going to reach all kinds of people, it’s going to take all kinds of churches. Church plants provide a unique expression of Kingdom life that will resonate with a unique group of people.
- Jesus’ Heart. Jesus said that He would build His church, and when we engage in church planting, we are working directly in sync with Him as He forms His precious Bride.
Ideas for Engaging in Church Planting Sunday
- Take a Moment. Carve out time on a Sunday morning to talk about church planting and pray for a church plant.
- Tell the Story. Retell the story of how your church was planted as a way to remember the great need for more church plants.
- Share the Vision. Lay out a vision for how your church can engage in church planting over the next year. Remember, even one step in that direction is movement and is pleasing to the Lord.
- Other Ideas? For more ideas, check out this document to stir up some creative thoughts.
Presently in the RMD, we have one church plant, Montage Microchurch Network in Kalispell, MT led by Rev. Jens Sundem. Would you take some time right now to ask the Lord what you might do over the next couple of months to come alongside and encourage this plant? And then, would you ask Him how He might be leading you to engage more intentionally in church planting during this next ministry year? There are numerous possibilities, and I would be excited to help you pray through and think through what this may look like and to help resource you in any way that I can. May God allow us to join Him in the great joy of seeing more churches formed in the RMD!
Together with you,
Chris or (406) 647-2764