Category: Leadership

The Body of Christ

One of the tragic losses for someone who claims the Name of Christ but who willfully doesn’t go to church is the loss of community in the Body of Christ. I get it that church life can be messy — it’s been that way since the beginning!  Ananias and Sapphire in Acts 5 apparently wanted to be recognized as…
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Moving Into a New Year

Twenty-five years ago we entered a new millennium with a ton of hysteria! Much could be written about that time, but my thoughts in this season go to the fact that hardly anybody I knew, talked to, or heard ever said anything about 2025, the day and age in which we live now. In that day, 2025 seemed…
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Seven Strategies

If you have ever attended a Prepare to Plant training (formerly Church Planting Bootcamp), you’ve heard about creating strategies. God has given us a mission – to make disciples, and to live out that mission requires intentionality and planning. Or, to put it another way, our mission requires a strategy. Actually, it requires several strategies.…
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What If…

Recently, when on the road traveling in the district, I checked into the hotel I was staying at one night. There was a new person behind the counter, even though I’ve stayed at that hotel literally dozens of times through the years. I had my license and credit card ready when I checked in. The person…
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By the time you read this column, our national Election Day will have passed — and we still might not know who has won the Presidency and has control of the House and Senate. Pundits and prognosticators have said depending on who is ahead there could be rounds and rounds of challenges so that some election results might…
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Connecting With Important Questions

Years ago I read a brief article that resurfaces in my mind occasionally. Recently, I was mulling over some things and I looked for this particular article and amazingly I found it in my files. It is entitled, Ten Questions To Ask To Make Sure You’re Still Growing. Every time I read it and think about it my heart…
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1, 2, 3, 6!

I love football!  I don’t get to watch much anymore as I am on the road most weekends. With satellite technology, however, I do get to listen to a few games as I travel around our District on Sundays, Mondays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. When I was a kid, college football was played only on Saturday and the NFL was…
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Change The Way You “Go To Church”

Recently I was visiting with one of our RMD pastors and the conversation drifted to the all too familiar “summertime slump” in Sunday attendance. As we discussed potential reasons why and possible ways to address it, he shared with me something that his church is doing to respond to this trend. It was such a…
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The Column I Never Thought I Would Write

Never.   What an interesting word.  Looking this word up in various dictionaries, you’ll find definitions like: not ever, at no time not in any degree, not under any condition certainly not; by no means; in no case An interesting phrase that sometimes gets bandied about is “Never say never.”  Usually when that phrase is used,…
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Schedules and Sabbaticals

Recently, I was visiting with a layperson in one of our churches who I have had much interaction with over the past twelve years. He had heard we had been re-elected to a fourth four-year term and was expressing “his condolences” as he put it, haha. He went on to say, “I bet you’ll have…
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