Month: October 2024

My Role as Director of District Services

I’ve been in my role at RMD for over two and a half years now. I really enjoy the job and am blessed to be part of a great team of people working to serve the Lord. I see the fruits of the Spirit lived out daily, which was not always a common occurrence in my previous…
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Connecting With Important Questions

Years ago I read a brief article that resurfaces in my mind occasionally. Recently, I was mulling over some things and I looked for this particular article and amazingly I found it in my files. It is entitled, Ten Questions To Ask To Make Sure You’re Still Growing. Every time I read it and think about it my heart…
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Missions Roundup

For many, the “church year” is just getting started as back-to-school kicks off and fall ministries launch. Perhaps you and your missions team are thinking ahead to the coming months and looking for ways to raise the missions temperature in your church over the next several months. To that end, below is a roundup of…
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