2024 District Conference

The 2024 Rocky Mountain District Conference was held April 8 – 10 at First Alliance Church in Billings, MT. A great time of prayer, encouragement, and inspiration was had by those who attended the gathering. Guest speakers Rev. Phil Stombaugh, Rev. Ken Simon, Rev. Joel Van Hoogen, Dr. Rob Douglas, and Dr. Shawn Kennedy spoke powerfully about the provision of the Lord, prayer, discipleship, the work of the Holy Spirit, and leadership development. Rev. Jonathan Wiggins spoke at the closing session of District Conference on the theme of the district conference which was Recapturing The Heart of Jesus. The time at District Conference was also enriched with guests from the C&MA national office for Chaplain Ministries (Rev. Kevin Pies), children’s ministry (Mrs. Leah Broach), and student ministries (Rev. Scott Wakeley); along with Mr. Joseph Padilla from Orchard Alliance; representatives from Crown College, Interim Pastoral Ministries, and Awana. Representatives from our two district camps — Dickey Lake and YAA — along with friends from Mercy Market Ministries also enhanced District Conference! A special ladies’ lunch and youth worker lunch were held on Tuesday afternoon.
At the Monday evening opening session, a time of celebrating communion and praying for healing was held. Awards for years of service to the Lord in the C&MA were given out to those in attendance including five-year awards to Rev. Dan Edwards (Pocatello, ID) and Mr. Donnie Gebhard (Missoula, MT). Twenty-five-year service awards were given to Rev. Terry Gugger (Nampa ID); Rev. Jamie McPherson (Boise, ID), and Rev. Randy Neilson (Plains, MT). Thirty-five-year service awards were given to Rev. Randy Shaw (Cody, WY) and Rev. Ken Simon (Lander, WY).
Two business sessions were conducted on Tuesday afternoon of District Conference. Reports from the C&MA President, Crown College, District Superintendent, Assistant to the District Superintendent, and Director of District Services were received. The district administration was authorized to appoint members to the various 2025 General Council Committees. Elections were held in the second Tuesday afternoon business session. Rev. Jonathan Wiggins was elected to a fourth, and final, four-year term, as District Superintendent. His term will begin August 1, 2024. Rev. Nick Ristow (Bozeman, MT) was elected to a four-year term as District Treasurer. Mr. Ruey Barnett (Belgrade, MT), Rev. Phil Jones (Gillette, WY), and Rev. Bryan Loewen (Red Lodge, MT) were also elected to four-year terms on the District Executive Committee.
The Nominating Committee for the 2026 District Conference, (April 13-16, 2026) was elected by Conference delegates. Those elected include Rev. Dusty Benner (Boise, ID), Rev. Cade Bichel (Riverton, WY), Dr. Tim Buckheit (Great Falls, MT), Rev. Micah Dalbey (Missoula, MT), Rev. Jason Fazel (Casper, WY), Rev. Evan Fowler (Rapid City, SD) and Rev. Harry Owczarek (Sidney, MT). Rev. Phil Elmer (Glendive, MT) and Rev. Munya Takawira (Havre, MT) were elected as alternates.
A special thank-you to Rev. Adriaan Overbeeke, lead pastor at First Alliance Church in Billings, MT along with Rev. Phil Stombaugh, lead pastor at Central Community Church in Billings, MT for all their efforts along with a team of volunteers from the church and Rev. Chris Tweedy, Mr. Scott Thorson, Mrs. Candy Tweedy and Mrs. Lori Wiggins from the District Office.