RMD News: March 2022


District Conference

Registration for District Conference is now open! This District Conference will be held at The Rock (Alliance) Church in Nampa, ID from April 25-28, 2022. Details including schedule, hotel, and delegate information can be found online using the link below. We are happy to have Dr. Terry Smith, Vice President for Church Ministries, with us at 1:45pm on Wednesday to lead our District Conversation regarding the proposed changes to the C&MA’s polity related to men and women in ministry. Participation in the conversation from delegates is welcomed.

All attendees of District Conference must register as either an Official Delegate, Lay Delegate, or Corresponding Delegate and each delegate must register separately. More information regarding delegate descriptions are available on the website.

Preferred pricing has been negotiated with three local hotels. These special rates all have reservation deadlines, so don’t delay in making your lodging arrangements.

Thursday there will be a service opportunity for anyone who is interested in assisting The Rock with the addition of their children’s discipleship wing. More information can be found on the website and there is an option on the registration form to indicate interest and request further details.

Attendance at District Conference is an expectation for every Official Worker. If you feel you may be unable to attend, please call Jonathan Wiggins.

more infoto register

Matt Hannan Training

Next month we are looking forward to having Matt Hannan in the RMD to present a pastoral leadership training seminar. The last two years have presented some of the greatest leadership challenges in recent memory. How can we lead ourselves and our ministries well in these ‘unprecedented’ times, and what understandings will help us steward all that God has entrusted to us? Dr. Matt Hannan will challenge us to think deeply about truth and consider those things which will enable us to discharge the duties that the Lord has given to us in order to run a course of faithfulness and excellence.

Matt served for over 27 years as the Senior Pastor of New Heights Church in Vancouver, WA. During that time the church grew from a few hundred attenders to several thousand. Currently, New Heights has twelve services in four different locations in two languages. They have established local ministries to the most vulernable, been involved in regional church planting, and have strong engagement in global missions in a variety of contexts. Matt and his wife Cindy presently live in the Vancouver area where he enjoys fishing (mostly salmon and steelhead), hunting (all types), and radio-controlled aircraft. Some of you may remember Matt from a previous RMD training in early 2020 when he led a seminar on teaching and preaching the Word.

This event will be held March 28-30, 2022 in Billings, MT. The District Advance Fund will cover the cost of the training and your lodging and meals during your time in Billings. You will be responsible for your travel and meal costs to and from Billings. Registration is now open, so take a minute and get signed up now. If you have further questions, please call or email the office.

more inforegister(406) 656-4233office@rmdcma.com

Breaking the Barriers Grant

There is still time to apply for the 2022 Breaking the Barriers Grant. This $20,000 grant, payable over two years, is available to accredited churches to overcome facility, staffing, or ministry barriers. Application deadline is March 15, 2022.

infoto apply

Internship Opportunity

Green River Alliance Church is looking for college students who are excited about serving Jesus in Wyoming. We are offering an opportunity designed to develop effective leaders. It provides intentional experiences to challenge and deepen your faith in Jesus Christ. It is for any college student who is preparing for vocational Christian service. This position creates a framework to build a ministry philosophy on. They will serve in our local church context while receiving on the job training and experience under supervision for one year. Interns will explore all the areas of the kids and student ministries. Along with overseeing a wide variety of tasks and challenges associated and directly related to those ministries. 

Email Pastor Kevin


Group Travel

With summer missions trips on the horizon, and LIFE Conference planning in full swing, many people are looking to make group travel plans. The following US-based resource has been vetted and endorsed by the National Office and would be a great option to consider when seeking assistance in these matters.

city express travel


WY Area Men’s Retreat

Registration is now open for the 2022 Wyoming Area Men’s Retreat. This year’s event will take place April 22-24, 2022 just outside Shell, WY. For more information, please contact Bill Robertson at (307) 921-0631‬ or wardenwillie@yahoo.com.


RMD Women’s Retreat

Just a few more days to catch the early bird registration special that expires on February 15th! This year’s RMD Women’s Retreat will be held in Bozeman, MT on April 1-3, 2022, and will feature Linda Graf as the keynote speaker. 

more inforegister

DLBC Update

Take a few minutes to celebrate with Dickey Lake Bible Camp the great things that God did during 2021!

more info


Thank You!

Thank you for completing your 2021 annual church report! We received all the reports in the requested timeframe. This information is useful in many ways and we appreciate your assistance with it.

District News



Christian sympathy is extended to Rev. Jonathan Wiggins (Lori), in the death of his mother, Mrs. Louise Wiggins, on February 21, 2022 in Toccoa, Georgia. A Funeral Service was held Friday, February 25 at Toccoa First Alliance Church. On Monday, February 28, the burial was in Cleveland, Ohio.

Christian sympathy is also extended to Rev. Phil Stombaugh (Kristin), Billings, MT, in the death of his mother, Mrs. Lucille H. Stombaugh, of Portage, PA, on February 20, 2022.



Congratulations to Rev. Paul Taylor who was ordained at Missoula (MT) Discovery Alliance Church on February 6, 2022!



Rev. Steve (Sally) Riley of Boise, ID announced his retirement effective January 19, 2022.

Rev. Mike (Patricia) Schill PsyD has moved to Nampa, ID and has transferred his license credentials from the Central Pacific District to the RMD.

Mr. Steve (Janice) Miller was licensed as Lay Ministry worker effective February 1, 2022.   Steve is serving at True Life (Alliance) Church in Whitefish, MT.

Churches Seeking


Senior Pastors
– Polson, MT

Associate Pastors
– Missoula (Discovery), MT

– Green River, WY

District Events

Mar 14-17, 2022

LO&CC School

YAA, Bozeman, MT

Apr 25-28, 2022

District Conference

Nampa, ID