
Matt Hannan Training
Next month we are looking forward to having Matt Hannan in the RMD to present a pastoral leadership training seminar. The last two years have presented some of the greatest leadership challenges in recent memory. How can we lead ourselves and our ministries well in these ‘unprecedented’ times, and what understandings will help us steward all that God has entrusted to us? Dr. Matt Hannan will challenge us to think deeply about truth and consider those things which will enable us to discharge the duties that the Lord has given to us in order to run a course of faithfulness and excellence.
Matt served for over 27 years as the Senior Pastor of New Heights Church in Vancouver, WA. During that time the church grew from a few hundred attenders to several thousand. Currently, New Heights has twelve services in four different locations in two languages. They have established local ministries to the most vulernable, been involved in regional church planting, and have strong engagement in global missions in a variety of contexts. Matt and his wife Cindy presently live in the Vancouver area where he enjoys fishing (mostly salmon and steelhead), hunting (all types), and radio-controlled aircraft. Some of you may remember Matt from a previous RMD training in early 2020 when he led a seminar on teaching and preaching the Word.
This event will be held March 28-30, 2022 in Billings, MT. The District Advance Fund will cover the cost of the training and your lodging and meals during your time in Billings. You will be responsible for your travel and meal costs to and from Billings. Registration is now open, so take a minute and get signed up now. If you have further questions, please call or email the office.

Group Travel
With summer missions trips on the horizon, and LIFE Conference planning in full swing, many people are looking to make group travel plans. The following US-based resource has been vetted and endorsed by the National Office and would be a great option to consider when seeking assistance in these matters.
city express travelDiscipleship

WY Area Men’s Retreat
Registration is now open for the 2022 Wyoming Area Men’s Retreat. This year’s event will take place April 22-24, 2022 just outside Shell, WY. For more information, please contact Bill Robertson at (307) 921-0631 or wardenwillie@yahoo.com.
Youth Leader Retreat
Registration is still open for the Youth Leader Retreat at YAA in Bozeman, MT coming up March 11-13, 2022. If you are involved in leading Jr. High or Sr. High School student ministry, then you will want to come and bring your whole team with you! The RMD Alliance Youth team has designed this retreat to encourage, inspire, and connect our awesome youth ministry workers.
more inforegister
Camp Updates!
The days are getting longer and summer is on the way! Check out the two updates below for info regarding camp dates, serving opportunities, and other news from Dickey Lake Bible Camp and Yellowstone Alliance Adventures.
DLBC videoDLBC newsDLBC registration
There is still a small window in which to register for Snow Craze! Gather your youth group for a weekend of retreat together playing in the snow, eating lots of food, and exploring what it means to be Made for More. Snowcraze will once again be held on President’s Day weekend February 18-21, 2022.
more info
YAA Winter Events
Join the fun this winter season at YAA’s Winter Fun Day (Feb 27) or Cosmic Snow Tubing (Feb 11)! You must register for both online before arrival. Hot chocolate and treats will be available for purchase.
For the winter fun day, take a turn on the 400ft long Tubing Hill, try your hand at broomball, or enjoy the snowshoe trail. Bring your own skates for the ice rink. Register online for a 2-hour time slot. Cost is $10/person.
For Cosmic Snow Tubing (recommended ages 10+), join us in tubing under an array of colored lights and music! It will be an evening snow experience like you’ve never had. Cost is $15/person.

Resource Recommendation
This past year was one of the most volatile yet for the insurance industry. If you’re looking for guidance or other options related to insurance, we have a recommendation for you. In addition, you are always welcome to call or email Chris anytime.
insurance resource
Updated PGG Travel Form
Recently the IRS updated the standard mileage for 2022 to $0.585/mile. Accordingly, there is an updated PGG mileage reimbursement form to use for 2022. Travel to and from your PGG meeting is covered by the District Advance Fund and reimbursable using the form below. Please feel free to contact the office if you have any questions.
2022 pgg mileage reimbursement form
Continuing Education Report
The 2021 Continuing Education was due yesterday for all licensed official workers unless you 1) hold a retiree license, or 2) are active in working through the MSP or LO&CC process. If you haven’t completed this report yet, please take the next 5 minutes and do so. Thank you!
to complete
Annual Report
The Local Alliance Church Annual report is now open for submissions. The process is easier than ever…
– Sign on to your MyCMA account.
– Click “Start” on the Annual Report Link.
– Enter the information requested.
– Annual Report is due February 23, 2022.
For more information, contact Mary at the District Office (406-656-4233 // mkraft@rmdcma.com).
District News
New Arrivals
Congratulations to Rev. Phil Elmer, Senior Pastor at Glendive (MT) Alliance Church, and his wife Jocelyn on the birth of their daughter! Elsie Rae was born on January 18, 2022.
Congratulations to Rev. Munya Takawira who was ordained at Community Alliance Church in Havre, MT on January 9, 2022!
Congratulations to Rev. Jerrid Washburn who was ordained at White Sulphur Springs (MT) Alliance Church on January 23, 2022!
Rev. Bill (Wanda) Levy announced his resignation as Senior Pastor of Calvary Alliance Church in Pocatello, ID effective June 6, 2022. Bill will be retiring after 44 years of licensed Alliance service.
Rev. Sam (Marty) Samuelson accepted a call to serve as Senior Pastor of Fairview (MT) Alliance Church. Sam will begin his ministry on February 1, 2022.
Churches Seeking
Senior Pastors
– Polson, MT
Associate Pastors
– Missoula (Discovery), MT
District Events
Mar 14-17, 2022
LO&CC School
YAA, Bozeman, MT
Apr 25-28, 2022
District Conference
Nampa, ID