RMD News: December 2022


Pastor Prayer Retreats

Western MT: Jan 10-12 at Bigfork Bible Camp
Eastern MT: Jan 17-19 at Badlands Ministries Camp (Medora, ND)
Central MT: Mar 14-16 at YAA

 To reserve a spot email the district office.

email district

40 Days of Prayer

Once again, the Alliance family will launch the new year with 40 Days of Prayer.  The evern will begin on Sunday, January 1, and conclude on Thursday, February 9. This new year’s prayer emphasis will focus on various aspects of the Lord’s Prayer. Additionally, weekly virtual prayer gatherings will be hosted on Tuesdays at 8:00 p.m. Eastern Time led by David and Ty King. 40 Days of Prayer will conclude on the high note of a livestream for the Alliance family on the evening of Thursday, February 9.

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DLBC 2022 Summer Recap

Take a look at last summer’s recap from Dickey Lake Bible Camp.

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NEW: Youth Ministry Resource Page!

The RMD Youth Leader team has been working to compile a variety of resources to assist youth leaders in their ministry and is happy to announce the launch of the youth ministry resource page! Can you please make sure that your youth team is aware of this material? Since it’s inside the Member’s area they will need login credentials. If they don’t presently have those, have them email Chris to get set up.

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Youth Leader Weekend

If you work with Jr. or Sr. High School students you will want to mark your calendar for March 10-12, 2023 and plan on attending the Youth Leader Weekend at YAA in Bozeman, MT. This event is designed to be a time of encouragment, connection, and resourcing. More details including registration to follow!

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Women’s Retreat 

Women’s Retreat next year will be in Billings, MT, on March 24-26. Hotel rooms will cost $112 + tax. The speaker this year is Bobbi Quiggle, a women’s ministry director from Minnesota. Registration coming soon!

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Year-End Giving

Did you know that 31% of annual giving to churches comes in December? Here are three opportunities you can share with your church to help celebrate the joy of Christmas with year-end giving.

c&ma christmas offeringc&ma gift catalogc&ma giving guide

2022 Alliance Gift Catalog

If you’re looking for a creative and tangible way to engage your church in giving, especially around the holiday season, take a look at the 2022-2023 Alliance Gift Catalog. This resource provides opportunities for people to engage in strategic giving as they contemplate end of year giving. This resource may be shared electronically, or physical copies can be ordered by emailing give@cmalliance.org.

view resource

Converge 2023

Converge is an annual gathering of pastors, missions leaders, and Alliance Missions advocates from churches of all sizes. This year’s Converge is in Dublin, Ohio, from January 8 – 13, 2023, with the theme of “finishing the task in challenging times.” The price starts at $415, which covers lodging, breakfast, and lunches.

more infoto register

Short Term Missions Opportunity

Join the team traveling to Mexico in March 2023 for an opportunity to minister and serve others. Specifically, the team will be enlarging the kitchen at Rio Chico mission base camp. Cost for the trip is $900 plus the cost of your travel to El Paso, TX. If interested email Jim Stumbo.

email Jim


Annual Reports Alert

It will soon be time to compile and submit information for your church annual report. Be on the lookout for an email from the National Office. The system normally opens shortly after the new year.

Continuing Education Report

The 2022 Continuing Education report is now open to complete online! By way of reminder, all licensed official workers must complete this form unless you 1) hold a retiree license, or 2) are active in working through the MSP or LO&CC process. The deadline for completion of this report is January 13, 2023.

to complete

District News

Churches Seeking

Senior Pastors
— Nampa, ID
— Bigfork, MT

Associate Pastors
— Hamilton, MT
— Missoula (Discovery), MT
— Plains, MT
— Ronan, MT
— Evanston, WY

District Events

March 10-12, 2023

Youth Leader Weekend

Bozeman, MT

March 24-26, 2023

Women’s Retreat

Billings, MT

May 29-june 2, 2023

Alliance Council

Spokane, WA