
40 Days of Prayer
The Alliance family will again be joining our hearts and hands together—on our knees—to launch the new year with 40 Days of Prayer beginning Monday, January 1, and concluding Friday, February 9. Our theme this year is now. pray. Your digital resource pack will be emailed to you in mid-November and will include all adult and children’s devotionals, PowerPoint templates, sermon outlines, videos, and graphics. Youth devotionals will posted on Instagram, and a link will be provided.
register nowDiscipleship
Third Thursday Podcast
Another episode of the Third Thursday Podcast is available! This monthly podcast is hosted by the RMD Youth Leader team and is designed to connect, encourage, and equip youth leaders. This month’s topic centers around properly defining success in student ministry. Student ministry can be fickle and discouraging, so it’s important to keep the right questions and metrics in mind. Please take a moment to listen, like, and subscribe, and forward to your student ministries team.
youth leader resource pagethird thursday podcastMissions
Christmas Offering
This season of gift giving is a wonderful time to present to your church an opportunity to give the gift of hope through the gospel to those who haven’t yet heard. Please consider making the Christmas Missions Offering a focal point for your church’s missions engagement this December
extend hopeMexico Trip
A short-term mission’s trip to Mexico is planned for March 10-19, 2024. The team will be hosting a pastors and wives retreat for the churches and various Tarahumara tribes. They will also be working to complete the addition to the chapel in Rio Chico and doing some children’s ministries, church services, and sports camps depending on interests and skills of the team. Cost is $900 plus travel to El Paso, TX. If interested, email Jim Stumbo.
email Jim StumboConverge
Registration is now open for Converge 2024. This annual gathering, January 7-11, 2024, is designed for missions mobilizers in C&MA churches and is intended to be a time of learning, connection, and encouragement. There will be great speakers and breakout sessions, along with plenty of opportunity to talk ideas and strategies with others who are also leading missions engagement in their church. Some scholarship assistance is available from the District Advance Fund, so please reach out to Chris if you have any questions.
more infoMissions Night Replay
Over the next few months the C&MA will be hosting special missions emphasis events. The first one was this past Wednesday. If you missed it, the replay is now available. Since this video does not highlight any creative access work, you are free to share this video openly.
watch videoDistrict News
Rev. Mitch (Amber) Lee has accepted a call as Lead Pastor of Adventure (Alliance) Church in Kalispell, MT, effective January 1, 2024.
Rev. Paul (Kelly) Taylor announced his resignation as Lead Pastor of Discovery Alliance Church, in Missoula, MT, effective October 14, 2023.
Churches Seeking
Lead Pastors
— Manville, WY
— Greybull, WY
— Missoula, MT
— Richey, MT
Associate Pastors
— Plains, MT
— Ronan, MT
Worship Leaders
— Rapid City, SD
— Cody, WY
— Havre, MT
District Events
February 26-29, 2024
LO&CC School
Billings, MT
APRIL 8-11, 2024
District Conference
Billings, MT