Ignite Registration Open and Hotels Available
Fellowship, refreshment, worship, and inspiration are in store for all who attend Ignite 2023. This year Ignite will be held at First Alliance Church in Great Falls, MT, September 25-28. Our guest speaker will be Dr. Shawn Kennedy, Lead Pastor at Church at the Shores located in Gulf Shores, AL. The cost is $25.00 per person, $50.00 per couple. Rooms are available at the Hilton Garden Inn, Holiday Inn Express, and Staybridge Suites. Find more hotel information and registration details by clicking the links below.
more inforegister

2023 Dream Incentive
Applications for the Dream Incentive Grant are now being accepted. Grants are available to churches of 300 average weekend attendance and under. You can apply for a grant up to $25,000 or any amount less than that. To learn about the application process, click on more info.
more infoDiscipleship

Alliance Kids
Alliance Kids debuted Discovery Land curriculum for children (infants–sixth grade) as well as the One Page! Alliance Kids is partnering with Discovery Land to add weekly Alliance Missions content to the rich, biblical component of Discovery Land curriculum so that Alliance kids across the country can learn the DNA of the C&MA, hear about Alliance projects and international workers around the world, and experience how they, too, fit into Great Commission living! We really do believe in All of Jesus for All the World, and that includes children!
RMD is offering a $200 grant to churches purchasing the Discovery Land curriculum, and a $100 grant for purchasing One Page!. To request a grant please send proof of purchase to Scott Thorson at the District Office.

Third Thursday: Preparing for Fall Launch
Youth Leaders – be on the lookout for something different this coming Third Thursday (7/20). This month we’ll be releasing a resource related to gearing up for fall ministry. Fall may seem like a long ways away, but there are some things to be thinking about now so that it doesn’t sneak up on you. So, be watching your email inbox for that AND stay tuned for some other exciting news regarding student ministry resourcing that is on the horizon!

DLBC Fall Retreats
Dickey Lake Bible Camp will be holding retreats for men and women this fall. Women’s Retreat is September 8-10 and Men’s Retreat is September 15-17.
more infoMissions

Part-Time Marketplace Chaplains Needed
In January Marketplace Chaplains served over 1.4 million employees with nearly 2,500 companies. Today they are nearing nearly 3,000 companies and almost doubling the number of employees and company leaders we care for with Chaplain Care Partners within the workplace. The territory of Washington, Northern Idaho and Montana is growing, and there are companies waiting to identify, hire, and train to be their company chaplains.
MissoulaBillingsDistrict News
Churches Seeking
Lead Pastors
— Idaho Falls, ID
— Greybull, WY
— Kalispell, MT
— Richey, MT
Associate Pastors
— Plains, MT
— Ronan, MT
— Idaho Falls, ID
Worship Leaders
— Rapid City, SD
— Cody, WY
District Events
July 31-AUG 3, 2023
Columbus, OH
Sept 25-28, 2023
Great Falls, MT