
General Council 2023
The next Alliance Council will be held in Spokane, WA on Monday, May 29, – Friday, June 2, 2023. Council has never being closer to most of the Rocky Mountain District. To support our district churches and encourage attendance, the RMD Dexcom approved another RMD Council Grant. The 2023 Grant is in the amount of $1,000 for each official worker who attends Council. In addition, a grant in the amount of $750 for one accredited lay delegate (not a spouse of an official worker). Many important discussions and decisions will likely happen at 2023 Council.
council info & registrationgrant info
Pastor Prayer Retreats
Western MT: Jan 10-12 at Bigfork Bible Camp
Eastern MT: Jan 17-19 at Badlands Ministries Camp (Medora, ND)
Central MT: Mar 14-16 at YAA
To reserve a spot email the district office.

40 Days of Prayer
Once again, the Alliance family has launched the new year with 40 Days of Prayer. The event began on Sunday, January 1, and will conclude on Thursday, February 9. This year’s prayer emphasis focuses on various aspects of the Lord’s Prayer. Additionally, weekly virtual prayer gatherings are hosted on Tuesdays at 8:00 pm ET, led by David and Ty King. 40 Days of Prayer will conclude on the high note of a livestream for the Alliance family on the evening of Thursday, February 9.
more infoDiscipleship

NEW: Youth Ministry Resource Page!
The RMD Youth Leader team has been working to compile a variety of resources to assist youth leaders in their ministry and is happy to announce the launch of the youth ministry resource page! Can you please make sure that your youth team is aware of this material? Since it’s inside the Member’s area they will need login credentials. If they don’t presently have those, have them email Chris to get set up.
view pageemail Chris
Youth Leader Weekend
Registration is now open for the 2023 Youth Leader Weekend March 10-12, 2023 at YAA in Bozeman, MT. This event is designed to encourage and equip anyone in the RMD who works with Jr. and Sr. High School students. The cost is only $75 and covers all lodging, meals, and materials. Check out the event page for more into and get registered soon!
more info
Women’s Retreat Registration is Live!
Women’s Retreat next year will be in Billings, MT, on March 24-26. Hotel rooms will cost $112 + tax. The speaker this year is Bobbi Quiggle, a women’s ministry director from Minnesota.
more infoto registerMissions

Short Term Missions Opportunity
The Mexico short term mission opportunity is around the corner in March! The focus of this trip is to enlarge the kitchen at Rio Chico mission base camp. Cost for the trip is $900 plus the cost of your travel to El Paso, TX. If interested, email Jim Stumbo soon.
email JimAdministration

RMD Planned Giving Module
The District has taken advantage of an offer from Orchard Alliance to design a planned giving site for RMD. The site provides helpful information for donors wanting to give using non-cash alternatives. This offer is available to all churches free of charge. Learn more, and view our planned giving site by reading Scott’s article this month.
Scott’s articlesee our module
Travel Expense Forms Updated
The PGG and Committee mileage reimbursement forms have been updated. Please note there will no longer be a rate differential for carpooling. All mileage will be reimbursed using the prevailing IRS mileage reimbursement rate. These forms may be found on the Administration page of the RMD website.
CMT formPGG form
Annual Reports Alert
It will soon be time to compile and submit information for your church annual report. Be on the lookout for an email from the National Office. The annual report process will be launched on January 6th and the deadline to complete reports will be February 24th.

Continuing Education Report
The 2022 Continuing Education report is now open to complete online! By way of reminder, all licensed official workers must complete this form unless you 1) hold a retiree license, or 2) are active in working through the MSP or LO&CC process. The deadline for completion of this report is January 13, 2023.
to completeDistrict News
New Arrivals
Congratulations to Rev. Evan Fowler, Pastor at Common Ground (Alliance) Church in Rapid City, SD, and his wife Yelena on the birth of their daughter. Lidiya was born on December 18, 2022.
Congratulations to Rev. David (Bethany) Thomas who was ordained at First Alliance Church in Billings on December 6th, 2022. David and Bethany will be serving with Envision in Thailand beginning January 2023.
Name Change
Cheyenne (WY) Alliance is now CrossBridge Alliance Church.
Rev. Bob (Beverly) Coggins began licensed ministry serving as Associate Pastor at Belgrade (MT) Alliance Church as of January 1, 2023.
Mr. Ethan (Madeline) Martin began licensed ministry serving as Associate Pastor at Evanston (WY) Alliance Church as of January 1, 2023.
Churches Seeking
Senior Pastors
— Nampa, ID
— Bigfork, MT
Associate Pastors
— Hamilton, MT
— Missoula (Discovery), MT
— Plains, MT
— Ronan, MT
— Evanston, WY
District Events
March 10-12, 2023
Youth Leader Weekend
Bozeman, MT
March 24-26, 2023
Women’s Retreat
Billings, MT
March 27-30, 2023
LO&CC School
Billings, MT
May 29-june 2, 2023
Alliance Council
Spokane, WA