
Resources for 40 Days of Prayer
As we approach the launch of 40 Days of Prayer, please take a few moments to check out all the promotion and information resources. Also, please encourage your church to sign up for the weekly prayer reminders that will go out during the 40 days. We want to consecrate both the year 2024 and ourselves to the Lord anew, and this is a great opportunity to do this together.
Pastor Prayer Retreats
January 16-18: Big Sky Bible Camp, Bigfork, MT
March 5-7: TBD
Pastors interested in attending should send an email to Jonathan.

Youth Leader Weekend
Save the Date – April 19-21, 2024 the RMD will host a Youth Leader Weekend for all those who work with Junior or Senior High School students. This year Ken Castor, former youth ministry professor at Crown College and founder of the Next Conference, will be the keynote speaker. The cost is only $95 and includes all lodging and meals. More details to follow, but for now, please pass this info along to your youth leaders and encourage them to attend!

Women’s Retreat Registration is Live
The Women’s Retreat this year will be in Bozeman, MT April 26-28, 2024. Join women from the Rocky Mountain District in worship and learning from speakers Jewel Evans and Amber Maxwell. For more information and registration click the links below.
more infoto register
DLBC Fall Newsletter
This past summer was a wonderful season of ministry at Dickey Lake (Alliance) Bible Camp in Trego, MT. The newsletter below is a brief recap of the highlights of the summer, an update on facility development on camp property, and a look ahead toward what 2025 might hold.
read newsletterThird Thursday Podcast
The most recent episode of the Third Thursday Podcast took up the topic of connecting with your community. What are the natural connection points, how can normal rhythms be repurposed, and what kind of a priority should this have? Harry and Ben take the time to unpack these and other questions and provide some helpful insights and direction. Please take a moment to listen, like, and subscribe, and forward to your student ministries team.
youth leader resource pagethird thursday podcastMissions

Strategic Giving Opportunities Gift Catalog
The C&MA has just released our annual missions giving catalog! If this is not a part of your missions giving strategy, please consider leveraging this great resource. For those who may not be familiar with C&MA missions, it’s a great introduction to what God has called us to. For those who have been faithfully giving, it’s a great reminder of the different ways that we’re working throughout the world. For many others it will provide a unique and engaging opportunity to consider an additional year-end gift. So take a minute to peruse it and pray about how God would have you utilize this tool.
giving resourceChristmas Offering
Here is a great opportunity to present to your church during this season of giving. Please consider making the Christmas Missions Offering a focal point for your church’s missions engagement this December. Extend hope to those who have not heard the gospel!
extend hopeMexico Trip
If your church is thinking about a short-term mission’s trip please consider this opportunity to join the team planning to serve in Mexico. The date of the trip is March 10-19, 2024. Cost is $900 plus travel to El Paso, TX. The team will be hosting a pastors and wives retreat for the churches and various Tarahumara tribes. Project work will include the addition to the chapel in Rio Chico, children’s ministries, church services, and sports camps depending on interests and skills of the team. If interested, email Jim Stumbo.
email Jim StumboConverge
Calling all Missions Mobilizers! Converge 2024 is designed for missions mobilizers in C&MA churches and is intended to be a time of learning, connection, and encouragement. The event will be held January 7-11, 2024 and registration is now open. The agenda will include great speakers, breakout sessions, and plenty of opportunity to talk ideas and strategies with others who are leading missions engagement in their church. Some scholarship assistance is available from the District Advance Fund, so please reach out to Chris if you have any questions.
more infoAdministration

Continuing Education
The 2023 Continuing Education report is now open to complete online! By way of reminder, all licensed official workers must complete this form unless you 1) hold a retiree license, or 2) are active in working through the MSP or LO&CC process. The deadline for completion of this report is February 9, 2024.
complete form
Annual Reports Alert
It will soon be time to compile and submit information for your church annual report. Be on the lookout for an email from the National Office. The system normally opens shortly after the new year.
District News
Rev. David (Debbie) Bottom announced his resignation from The Shack, Greybull, WY effective October 31, 2023.
Congratulations to Rev. Dan and Alexandra Edwards, Lead Pastor at Calvary Alliance Church in Pocatello, ID on their marriage that took place on October 7, 2023.
Rev. Ritch Grimes (Judy) announced his resignation as Lead Pastor from Chinook (MT) Alliance Church effective December 31, 2023.
Mr. Steve (Janice) Miller announced his resignation as Associate Pastor from True Life (Alliance) Church, Whitefish, MT effective November 5, 2023.
Rev. Eric (Mandi) Peterson announced his resignation as Associate Pastor from Helena (MT) Alliance Church, Helena, MT effective November 15, 2023.
Mr. Dan (Taylor) Wilde accepted a call to serve as Lead Pastor of Discovery Alliance Church in Missoula, MT. Dan most recently served as Associate Pastor of Hillside Community (Alliance) Church in Vermillion, SD. Dan will begin his ministry on January 1, 2024.
Churches Seeking
Lead Pastors
— Manville, WY
— Greybull, WY
— Richey, MT
Associate Pastors
— Plains, MT
— Ronan, MT
Worship Leaders
— Rapid City, SD
— Cody, WY
— Havre, MT
— Billings, MT (FAC looking for worship / next gen pastor)
District Events
February 26-29, 2024
LO&CC School
Billings, MT
APRIL 8-11, 2024
District Conference
Billings, MT