RMD Women’s Retreat
Save the date – April 1-3, 2022! This year’s RMD Women’s Retreat will be held in Bozeman, MT and will feature Linda Graf as the keynote speaker. More information, including registration, schedule, and hotel details will be available soon!
Chat ‘n Chew
Led by Melissa MacDonald, the RMD Kids team is going to do a lunch and chat November 12 at 12:00 pm MDT. Grab a lunch and join in the discussion about Engaging Every Kid In The Room.
Nov 12th zoom meetingYouth Leader Retreat
If you are involved in leading Jr. High or Sr. High School student ministry, then you will want to make sure to note this date: March 11-13, 2022. The RMD Alliance Youth team is planning a retreat to be held at YAA in Bozeman, MT that is designed to encourage, inspire, and connect our awesome youth ministry workers. Stay tuned for more info, but make plans to attend right now!
more questions?Leadership
EquippingU is a collection of leadership tools designed specifically to equip Alliance pastors and leaders as they live spiritually healthy lives and successfully lead healthy C&MA churches. Regular webinars and podcasts can be found on a variety of topics. Coming up on November 4th will be a discussion with Rick Richardson of the Billy Graham Center Research Institute about how “Unchurched Nones, Millennials, and Irreligious are Surprisingly Open to Christian Faith.”
more infoRelational Wisdom Seminar
Discovering Relational Wisdom is a three hour seminar that shows us how to build stronger relationships, that gives participants free access to an online followup Relational Wisdom course (with dozens of teaching & demonstration videos & life application questions & exercises) plus the materials to lead a six week small group deeper study on Relational Wisdom.
Seminar Topic: Discovering Relational Wisdom 3.0
Date: January 29, 2022
Time: 1:30-4:30pm
Place: First Alliance Church, Billings MT
Cost: $10 per person
For more information or to register, email (info@facbillings.com) or call (406-656-6850) the church office.
403(b) Information
Did you know that the Alliance has a great retirement plan and that allows you to take advantages of benefits that are available exclusively to pastors? Check out the following post from the Alliance Benefits team and feel free to reach out to Chris with any questions.
more infoemail ChrisTreasurer Webinar
Church Excel has created an on-demand webinar designed to walk church treasurers through the basics of church accounting, as well as other topics such as internal controls, record retention, reconciliations, and others. This helpful resource is free to Alliance churches. If you have any issues registering, please contact Chris
District News
Rev. Byron (Kimberly) Allan accepted a call to serve as Senior Pastor at Helena, MT. Previously, Byron was Lead Pastor at High River Alliance Church in High River, AB, Canada.
Rev. John (Gennifer) Curry announced his resignation as Associate Pastor at Plains (MT) Alliance Church effective January 2, 2022.
New Arrivals
Congratulations to Rev. Harry and Teshia Owczarek on the birth of a baby girl! Adeline Angeline Owczarek was born on October 15th. Harry is the Assistant Pastor at Faith Alliance Church in Sidney, MT.
Congratulations to Mr. Zach Kenyon for graduating from the Ministerial Study Program on October 11, 2021! Zach serves as the Associate Pastor at River of Life Church in Idaho Falls, ID.
Churches Seeking
Senior Pastors
– Fairview, MT
– Polson, MT
Associate Pastors
– Missoula (Discovery), MT
– Lance Creek/Manville, WY
District Events
NOV 4, 2021, 12 pm
Nov 12, 2021, 12 pm
Chat ‘n Chew