
Strategic Year-End Giving
The Rocky Mountain District has 11 International Worker (IW) families deployed throughout the world working in a variety of ministry contexts. As you consider year end giving opportunities, or charitable donations as Christmas gifts, the following strategic projects are a great place to start. Each gift opportunity is connected to the ministry of one of our IWs and represents a pressing need that, if met, enables ministry advancement in some of the least reached places on earth.
digital catalogprintable catalog

AMIGO Fund Update
As we approach the end of 2020 and you are considering year-end gifts to support ministries that are important to you, please consider a gift to the AMIGO Fund. This fund assists Alliance pastors in the mountains of northern Mexico. There was a desire to support a number of pastors during 2020, and presently the fund is $1,800 short of being able to realize that desire. Funds can be sent to the District Office or given online below.
give now
Year End Offering
As Christmas draws near and we begin thinking of year end offerings and gifts, please take a moment to consider how your church can engage in the year-end offering. Click below for more information and some great resources to help people join in what God is doing around the world in the Alliance family!
more info
Converge: Jan 10-14, 2021
Converge is an annual gathering of Alliance missions leaders from across the country designed to encourage and equip Alliance churches for global missions. This year’s topic is: Missions in a New Era… Turning Obstacles into Opportunities in a World Impacted by COVID-19. This will be a special time with several International Workers and National Office leaders including Tim Crouch and John Stumbo. Click below for more info.
info & registrationLeadership

General Council
If you are making plans to attend General Council, will you please email and let us know? It is helpful in planning the RMD District reception and other items. Thank you!
email us
Breaking the Barriers
Applications are now being received for the 2021 Breaking the Barriers Grant. This $20,000 grant, payable over two years, is available to accredited churches to overcome facility, staffing, or ministry barriers.
grant guidelinesapply
40 Days of Prayer
The Alliance family will be joining our hearts and hands together—on our knees—for a 40 Days of Prayer focus that will begin on January 3. Each day will offer a thematic devotional reflection and prayer points authored by an Alliance leader or family member. The devotionals will be arranged in six weekly categories with application for adults, youth, and kids. Would you consider making these themes the focus of your weekly services? Registration is now open!
more info & to registerAdministration

Open Enrollment Is Now
Open Enrollment this year is from Nov. 9 – Dec. 4 and is a passive open enrollment, which means no action or re-enrollment paperwork is required for your health benefits to continue into the new plan year. Your coverage will automatically transfer over effective January 1, 2021, along with any additional HSA contributions currently in place. Health plan premium rates will remain steady for 2021 with NO INCREASE. If you would like information regarding joining the Alliance Health Plan, please click the “questions” button below to be connected to a member of the benefits team.
questions? counseling benefitsnew wellness program
May Getaway
This year the RMD is able to make available to one RMD official worker and their family the use of a two-bedroom condominium at Peaceful Bay Resort located in Lakeside, MT. The unit is available May 22-29, 2021 and is provided at no cost to you. If you have further questions or interest, please call or email Chris.
email nowDistrict News
Ms. Kelly Krueger, CWM resigned as Associate Minister at Alliance Fellowship in Bozeman, MT effective November 15, 2020.
Churches Seeking
Senior Pastors
• Hamilton, MT; Polson, MT
District Events
nov 30 – dec 1
Billings, MT
DEC 7 – 8
Billings, MT
Mar 19 – 21, 2020
Women’s Retreat
Billings, MT