
Strategic Year-End Giving
The Rocky Mountain District has 11 International Worker (IW) families deployed throughout the world working in a variety of ministry contexts. As you consider year end giving opportunities, or charitable donations as Christmas gifts, the following strategic projects are a great place to start. Each gift opportunity is connected to the ministry of one of our IWs and represents a pressing need that, if met, enables ministry advancement in some of the least reached places on earth.
digital catalogprintable catalog

The short version of how the 2020 Dickey Lake summer camps went is – they went very well considering all that this year brought. This summer’s theme – developed well before Covid – was “Courage”, and what a year to live that out! Read the full update below.
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Converge: Moving Online
Recent changes to government restrictions in Colorado Springs has resulted in this event being moved online. While this is disappointing in many ways, it does provide opportunity for some to attend who might not have been able to otherwise. More information will be released soon, but for not mark January 28th on your calendar and plan on participating with your board or missions team. Refer to last month’s newsletter for more details about Converge.
January 28thLeadership

General Council Grant
At the most recent Dexcom meeting, a Council Grant in the amount of up to $500 or $250 was approved to assist Official Workers and Lay Delegates respectively in attending General Council – in person or online.
more info
General Council
If you are making plans to attend General Council, will you please email and let us know? It is helpful in planning the RMD District reception and other items. Thank you!
email usmore details about council
Breaking the Barriers
Applications are now being received for the 2021 Breaking the Barriers Grant. This $20,000 grant, payable over two years, is available to accredited churches to overcome facility, staffing, or ministry barriers.
grant guidelinesapplyAdministration

Tech Grant
Recently Dexcom approved a grant in the amount of up to $500 to RMD Churches to assit in navigating the effects of Covid on church technology needs. This grant is retoractive to include all of 2020 and 2021.
questions / applymore info
Continuing Education Report
This year the Continuing Education report is online! By way of reminder, all licensed official workers must complete this form unless you 1) hold a retiree license, or 2) are active in working through the MSP or LO&CC process. Deadline for completion of this report is January 31, 2021.
fill out the formDistrict Office Holiday Hours
The office will be closed Wednesday, December 23, 2020 and will reopen on Monday, January 4, 2021.
District News
Mr. Troy (Tina) Dennison resigned as Assistant Pastor at Missoula (MT) Alliance Church effective November 30, 2020.
Churches Seeking
Senior Pastors
• Hamilton, MT; Polson, MT
With the Lord
Rev. Harvey Allan Town, retired minister and RMD District Superintendent, stepped into the presence of our Lord and Saviour on Dec. 8, 2020.
There will be a in-person funeral at Terrace Lake Community (Alliance) Church in Ronan, MT with a livestream.
District Events
Jan 28, 2021
Mar 19 – 21, 2021
Women’s Retreat
Billings, MT
Apr 12 – 15, 2021
LO&CC School
YAA in Bozeman, MT