RMD News: July 2021

Church Planting

RMD Greenhouse Training

The Alliance Greenhouse training material is designed to help churches think through the strategies and leadership development necessary to make church planting a reality. Whether you are beginning to thinking about church planting or are actively pursuing church planting options, this training will be useful to your team in the journey. Even if you’re just beginning to explore what it might look to launch another church or site, this will be a helpful workshop in framing the process.

The event will be held in Billings, MT and will run from 2:00pm Monday, October 18th until 11:30am Wednesday, October 20th.

more info


RMD Camps

Please keep our District camps in prayer as camp season is in full swing. This year’s are very full so pray that God will provide what is needed and speak to the hundreds of campers who are influenced by these ministries.




After plans to deploy to SE Asia were indefintely postponed due to Covid restrictions, Cody and Amy have been redirected by the Lord to another location. Plans are now in motion to leave for the UAE this fall. Please keep them in your prayers as they readjust and prepare to depart in a few months. You can read more about their journey in their last newsletter.

june newsletter


Gianforte Foundation Grant

Kids Hope USA is a ministry that helps connect churches to schools for one-on-one mentoring and support. The Gianforte Family Foundation is offering a grant to Montana churches to help them begin a partnership with Kids Hope.

more info

District News

Churches Seeking


Senior Pastors
– Hamilton, MT
– Helena, MT
– Polson, MT
– Minot, ND

Associate Pastors
– Missoula (Discovery), MT
Cody, WY
– Lance Creek/Manville, WY

District Events

SEP 27 – 30, 2021


Rapid City, SD

Oct 18 – 20, 2021


Billings, MT