All services and events are held at Gallatin Valley Church,315 S 19th Ave, Bozeman, MT (map).
4:00 – 6:00 pm | Registration, Dinner On Your Own |
6:30 pm | Evening Service |
8:30 pm | Ice Cream Social at the Church |
9:00 am | Session One with Tom Flanders |
10:15 am | Break |
10:45 am | Mens’ / Ladies’ Session |
12:00 pm | Lunch on your own |
6:00 pm | YAA Dinner (registration required) |
9:00 am | Session Two with Tom Flanders |
10:30 am | Break |
10:45 am | District Hour |
12:00 pm | Lunch & Free Time Associate / Assistant Pastors & Spouses Lunch |
7:00 pm | Session Three with Tom Flanders |
Speakers and Guests
Tom Flanders, Keynote Speaker

Tom has served since June 1, 2021, as the District Superintendent of The Alliance Southeast District which includes the Bahamas and all but the extreme west end of the panhandle of Florida. Prior to that, Tom served as the District Superintendent in The Alliance New England District (Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont) for eleven years. Tom has served Alliance churches in Foxboro, MA; Sidney, NY and Port Crane, NY. Tom was elected to a four-year term on The Alliance Board of Directors in 2023. Tom, and his wife, Christina (Chris), who will be joining us, have three adult children and live in Winter Haven, FL.

Song List
Praise – Elevation Worship
Take You at Your Word – Cody Carnes
Holy Forever – Chris Tomlin
Firm Foundation – Cody Carnes
Great Are You Lord – Cody Carnes
Shout to the Lord/What a Beautiful Name – Influence Music
Who You Say I Am – Hillsong Worship
O Praise the Name – Hillsong Worship
Only a Holy God – CityAlight
King of Kings – Hillsong Worship
How Great is Our God – Chris Tomlin
O Come to the Altar – Elevation Worship
Build My Life – Passion
Cornerstone – Hillsong Worship