May 26 – 30, 2025

GENERAL council

Columbus, OH

Council 2025 will be held at the Greater Columbus Convention Center in Columbus, Ohio from May 26-30, 2025.  Council will open on Monday evening, May 26, at 7:00 p.m. with the opening message delivered by our current president, John Stumbo.  Council will conclude on Friday evening, May 30, with a message from the president-elect.  

Please note, all individuals have to be registered for Council to attend any sessions.
Please see delegate information below.

Council Grant 

In order to encourage attendance at Council, Dexcom has approved a grant to assist with expenses. 

The 2025 Council Grant is in the amount of $1,000 for each official worker who attends Council. In addition, a grant in the amount of $750 is available for an accredited lay delegate (not a spouse of an official worker).

The process for obtaining the grant for either an official worker or an accredited lay delegate is simple – when a completed 2025 Council Registration email is received from The Alliance, forward that email to Scott Thorson ( and a check will be issued to the local church. Our goal is to send one check for all registrations to each church, if at all possible. If an official worker or lay delegate receives a grant and is unable to attend Council, the grant must be returned to the District.   If you have any questions regarding the RMD Council Grant, please email Scott Thorson or call the District Office at 406.656.4233.

Delegate Information

Official Delegates An Official Worker is an Official Delegate to General Council. Official Delegates have full voting rights and no special certificate is required. Simply complete the online registration.

Lay Delegates Churches are allowed to appoint a designated number of lay delegates to represent and vote on behalf of their church. Churches with average attendance of less than 150 people per week may send two Lay Delegates to General Council. For churches with average attendance of more than 150 people per week, one delegate may be added for each additional 100 people. Lay Delegates must be approved by the Governing Board and the decision properly noted in the church Governing Board minutes. Additionally, there is a Lay Delegate Certificate that must be completed, signed by the Secretary of the Governing Board, and returned to the District Office. If a church is in developing status and does not have a governing board, the District Superintendent can authorize Lay Delegates. Online registration is also required.

Corresponding Delegates Corresponding Delegates are recognized attendees to General Council, but do not have voting privileges. Governing Board approval is not required, nor is a formal certificate, however they do need to register online.A spouse of an Official Worker can attend either as a Lay Delegate or a Corresponding Delegate. The difference lies in whether or not the church Governing Board wishes to send them as a Lay Delegate.

Additional Reminders
• Everyone attending General Council must register online.
• All Lay Delegate Certificates must be sent into the District Office.

lay delegate certificate

RMD Fellowship Lunch at Council

We will be hosting a lunch on Tuesday, May 27th. The cost is $15. You can sign up for the lunch when you register for conference.

Join us at Council!